103 N Taylor Ave, Pierre, SD 57501
(605) 224-7100
What can you expect when you arrive at Resurrection Lutheran on a Sunday morning?
There will be a greeter at the doors to the sanctuary that can help you find what you need, including the church office, bathrooms, fellowship hall, youth activities, and get you settled in the sanctuary. A bulletin will already be in the pews. On that bulletin will have a cover page with basic information about the church. The order of the service can be found in the rest of the bulletin. Resurrection Lutheran Church is a friendly and flexible congregation, meaning, if you are not sure what you are doing, either ask someone nearby or know that no one in the room will think bad of you if you happen to mess something up. Besides, Pastor Matt will probably make more mistakes than everyone else! Grace is a primary part of our church!
Pastor Matt will begin worship with a welcome and announcements. Please feel free to ask Pastor Matt or another congregation member if you would like more details or clarification about anything that is announced. At the end of the announcements Pastor Matt will invite the congregation to stand for the beginning of worship. Here are a few tips to help you navigate the order of service.
The hymns can be found in the red hymnals in the pew. The page number corresponds to what hymn number we will be singing.
Anytime you see a L: means that Pastor Matt or another leader will speak. A C: means you, a member of the gathered congregation, will speak.
You will find two inserts in the bulletin. One is the Bible readings, and the second is a prayer list along with announcements.
If you do not feel comfortable saying or participating in any part of the liturgy, that is okay, you can say or do what makes you comfortable.
The sermon is a time when Pastor Matt will share a message about one of the readings from the Bible. The messages vary based on what scripture is read, but the hope is that you will hear the Gospel. What does that mean? It means Pastor Matt hopes that you will hear God speaking to you through this passage, and that it helps you grow or wrestle with your faith. The sermon is meant to bring comfort, hope, and courage, but sometimes a sermon can also stir a need to change something in your life.
There will be a time where a representative from the church prays. You are welcome to pray or meditate as you need to. After the prayers are done Pastor Matt will start the “passing of the peace”. This is a time when the gathered people greet one another, usually with a handshake and something like, “Peace be with you”.
All are welcome to join us for communion. We believe that anyone, regardless of how much faith you have, who hears the promises of God spoken to them can receive communion. You will be invited forward to receive a wafer from one server and take a small cup of wine or grape juice from the baptismal font. Children who have not completed first communion, or those who do not wish to receive communion, can still come forward for a blessing. We have made communion as touchless as we can, and those who are touching the bread and wine will be wearing masks and be properly sanitized.
At the conclusion of the worship service, as you exit the sanctuary, you are invited to join us for a time in the fellowship hall afterwards. It is the area straight ahead as you exit the sanctuary. There will be food and drinks available. Please feel free to talk to Pastor Matt or anyone else gathered. Questions are welcomed, and we hope you enjoy your time at Resurrection Lutheran Church!
Worship Schedule
Welcome to worship as we gather to praise God, to hear God’s Word, to pray as Christ taught, and to be fed by Christ’s body and blood.
- 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship with Holy Communion
- 10:30 a.m. Fellowship (coffee, goodies, visiting)
- 10:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Sunday School (September – May).
Find RLC
Resurrection Lutheran Church of Pierre
103 N Taylor Ave
Pierre, SD 57501