By grace we have been saved!
103 N Taylor Ave, Pierre, SD 57501
(605) 224-7100
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Frequently Asked Questions (And Answers)
Where is Resurrection Lutheran Church?
- Our address is 103 North Taylor Avenue in Pierre, South Dakota. RLC is located at the corner of Taylor Avenue and Capitol Avenue.
What time is the Sunday worship service?
- Resurrection Lutheran’s Sunday worship service starts at 9:30am. Late arrivals are welcome–come on in!
How long is worship?
- Worship services typically last around 1 hour.
What is the dress code?
- There is no dress code at RLC. Worshipers are welcome to come as they are.
How is Resurrection Lutheran responding to COVID-19?
- In-person worship services are once again taking place. However, for those who are not comfortable attending in person, services are also streamed on Resurrection Lutheran’s Facebook page. Please see the Sunday Service page for detailed information on how our services are impacted by COVID-19.
Can I take communion if I’m not a member of Resurrection Lutheran?
- Yes. Resurrection Lutheran is an ELCA church, which believes that all those who believe in Christ are welcome to join us at the communion table. Typically, we commune by intinction (dipping the bread into the wine), and do have grape juice available for those who prefer it. Communion is served every Sunday.
What kind of music do the services have?
- RLC primarily sings traditional hymns from our hymnal, but one week every month, more contemporary hymns are sung. Our choir also sings at our services frequently, and sings a wide selection of pieces.
Do I have to give an offering if I attend a service?
- No. If you are new to RLC, you do not need to feel obligated to give.
If I’m visiting, will you make me stand up and wave or introduce myself?
- No. While members may greet you individually, we will not intentionally draw attention to you or make you do any public speaking.
I have small children. Are they welcome at services?
- Yes! Families with children of all ages are absolutely welcome at services. As Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14). Families with young children should feel free to sit anywhere in the sanctuary. There are children’s activity pages and crayons located in the back of the sanctuary. Should you wish to take your child out of the sanctuary at any point in the service, the Serenity Room is furnished with comfortable sofas and chairs, and is available for use during the service. The Serenity Room is located in the hallway that runs along the side of the sanctuary.
What are these red books being passed around during the start of the service?
- Don’t be surprised to get a gentle tap on the shoulder from the pew behind you. A red book is passed forward on each side of the church as the service begins to allow attendees to sign in. This allows the church to have an accurate count of how many people attended church in a particular week. Worshipers are able to indicate if they are members, regular attendees, or visitors, if they would like Pastor to contact them, or if they are interested in membership. Simply sign in, and keep passing the book forward.
How do I become a member?
- Those who are interested in becoming a member at Resurrection Lutheran can reach out to Pastor in person before or after services, by phone (605-224-7100) or email ( Visitors can also indicate in the red sign-in books if they would like to be contacted by our Pastor. Once you’ve indicated you are interested in becoming a member, Pastor will hold an informal meeting with you in order to learn more about you and to discuss the beliefs of the church.
Do I have to stay for fellowship after the service?
- While we welcome all to fellowship when it is held after the service, worshipers are not obligated to stay. Fellowship includes treats, coffee, and other beverages, and is a great way to get to know members of the congregation.
What does your church believe?
- Please see the Beliefs section of the website.
What is the ELCA?
- ELCA stands for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. More information on the ELCA can be found here –
Worship Schedule
Welcome to worship as we gather to praise God, to hear God’s Word, to pray as Christ taught, and to be fed by Christ’s body and blood.
- 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship with Holy Communion
- 10:30 a.m. Fellowship (coffee, goodies, visiting)
- 10:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Sunday School (September – May).
Find RLC
Resurrection Lutheran Church of Pierre
103 N Taylor Ave
Pierre, SD 57501