103 N Taylor Ave, Pierre, SD 57501
(605) 224-7100
Living Nativity
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The “Living Nativity” service is a long-standing tradition at Resurrection Lutheran, having been put on annually since 1999. Held in mid-December, the Living Nativity service takes place outdoors in front of the church at sunset, and tells the story of Jesus’ birth with both scripture and hymns. Church members reenact the events of the first Christmas by playing the roles of Mary, Joseph, Jesus, the shepherds, angels, wise men & others. Live animals are even part of the experience! The Living Nativity is well attended by members of the community, and is traditionally followed by a soup supper and fellowship inside of the church.
Worship Schedule
Welcome to worship as we gather to praise God, to hear God’s Word, to pray as Christ taught, and to be fed by Christ’s body and blood.
- 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship with Holy Communion
- 10:30 a.m. Fellowship (coffee, goodies, visiting)
- 10:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Sunday School (September – May).
Find RLC
Resurrection Lutheran Church of Pierre
103 N Taylor Ave
Pierre, SD 57501